Sunday 25 November 2018

Study group 3

bear - beer - (beard) - bird 

Grizzly Bears, 
A pint, and a Eagle..

Say Aye..
Aye aye

All those in favor say aye (nay)

I picked up a little German while I was in Germany

I have lost track...
get back on track
fast track

Mixed up...

I underestimated you....
I won't do it again.
I overestimated how long it would it take

A or An 

Vowel sounds ...

The song is intended to sound to its Italian audience as if it is sung in English spoken with an American accent, vaguely reminiscent of Bob Dylan, but the lyrics are deliberately unintelligible gibberish with the exception of the words "all right".[1] 

A school
A European
A unit

You fell in the trap

To flow...

What was going on?

The chasis / 
They were held up in customs.
What's the hold up?

I couldn't do anything
To let them go thru'...


Night Eight.......

ocho noche
  huit nuit
   otto notte
    acht nacht

Drive on the left?
You drive on the wrong side of the road. 

A Horse drawn cart
To draw conclusions 
to draw blood

crack the whip

Smarty pants


Picking on you
Teasing you
Winding you up..

The Internet Of Things

Have you submitted the tender.....yet? 
Not quite

What unforeseen events
Do you Foresee?
For the Foreseeable future, none.

Tie up any loose ends..
Sort out any issues 
(deal with them)

Cultural issues

He's making it up 
as he goes along...
Bluffing Bluffer

Nodding and smiling

I've been looking into it (the country)..

The chasis / the supports / the stands / the structures / The mountings  / the base /

I finally managed to sort it out today...
Figure it out
work it out

I spoke to the supplier
They weren't in the office
A day off.

Alphabetically sorted
Sorted by size and sector

200 Kw at 
a thousand bucks per Kw 
works out as 20,000

I'm a chemical trade
I got top marks...

Stop Boasting 
We shall see....

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